Inca Trail - Day 3
Up early again at 05:30, and conduct the usual drill. Starting at a little after 06:30, we begin trekking from kilometre 111. As this is where the trail starts to enter the jungle, it has a more tropical feel to it. Additionally, most of the time the trail is a shelf like edge in the side of the mountain, it's really a wonder of beauty. We make WyƱayhuayna and explore the site, then have lunch, which is our last meal with the porters and chefs. We conduct a ceremonial goodbye, leave some tips with the lead porter, and part ways. On we go to make our way to Intipunku (Sun Gate) which we make at about 16:00 which is 3 kms from Machu Picchu. The view of Machu Picchu is blocked by the clouds, as we are in the mountains, however 15 minutes later the cloud parts and I am in awe of the view. I walk down the last 3 kms of the trail to Machu Picchu and as I do, the sun starts to break through the cloud. The view becomes even more amazing, and I'm quite stoked with the photos I ...