Mitla, Mexico

An archeological site is within the modern municipality of San Pablo Villa de Mitla, Mitla was the main religious centre. The name Mitla is derived from the Nahuatl name Mictlán, which was the place of the dead or underworld. Its Zapotec name is Lyobaa, which means “place of rest.” The name Mictlán was Hispanicized to Mitla by the Spanish.
The construction of Mitla as a ceremonial centre began in 850, and the city was still being expanded when the Spaniards arrived and destroyed it.  The oldest group of buildings has been dated to between 450 and 700 CE and shows architectural features similar to those found at the earlier Monte Alban.

The steps to the main ceremonial hall ...

Inside the ceremonial hall ...

Inner courtyard, the stonework is amazing ...

Underground, inside one of the burial chambers ...


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